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Thank you so much for the nostalgia trip. I got mine the year it was discontinued, too. It remained a thing for a good while longer in my neck of the woods.

P.S. I loved Elite! and The Hobbit too, but my all-time favorite remains Lords of Midnight. You can probably spot its influence in some of my games.


This was a wonderful little read! I vaguely knew of the ZX Spectrum from YouTube videos that talked about things like retro computer hardware and games of yesteryear, but this gives a little more background and context before discussing some games of the time. Using an appropriate font was fun, like I was reading the intro screens for the games themselves.

I was most impressed by what this early software achieved for a budget system! I've played Elite Dangerous without ever knowing it had such longstanding roots. And as kids would often make due with hand-me-down electronics like a VCR when grownups moved on to DVDs, I related to the author's mention of getting this system as an obsolete yet functional device.


thank you for sharing your old computer knowledge ˚· ʚ₍•ᄋ̫•₎ɞ .⊹